Game Animation Pack

This video is a project that I worked on where I took a game theme, and created a set of animations for a character. The theme I picked for the character was that of a fighting game character, so their actions and movement are more combat like. The actions I used was an idle, punch, kick, shove, turn around, and combo animations, all using the OptiTrack suit with Motive. I also created a walk and run animation with the Xsens suit. 

During this project, I planned out my motions, then with my teammates, did the motions. I then proceeded to clean up the MoCap data, in Motive and exported the data as an FBX to move it to Motion Builder. There I baked the motions to a generic rig, and cleaned up the animation to the best of my abilities. Finally, I moved the animations to Unity and put them together to create the video above.

The two biggest issues I had while doing this was the clean up for the animations, as I am not very good at animation, even basic stuff. I couldn't really figure out what to do with it. There was also the issue of the character T-Posing randomly at the end of the video, an issue I still haven't figured out why it happens, but it happens.


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