Creature Workshop
As a part of the Creature Workshop class in 2019, I created, and animated using Motion Capture, a creature of my own design, a humanoid Lizard creature using a T-Rex as the inspiration
The main hardware I used for this animation is the Xsens suit, in which I guided the wearer in the movements required for the animation. I then applied the data into the creature then rendered it.
The part of this process that I had the most difficulty with was telling the wearer what movement I needed for the animation. In the past I usually wear the suit myself, or someone who knows the animations would wear the suit, so this time around I had to tell someone else what to do, in a way that they understood what to do. I was able to solve this by working with the performer before hand, and practicing the movements, and even demonstrating them myself.
Ultimately, this was one of my favorite projects to work on due to the creativity of everything, and how fun it was, and I learned a lot about guiding the performers into doing the movements that was needed
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